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Vet Apple Area Nerf

Trusted Member

You may now turn up empty handed on some apple searches in the Vetallun orchards. Persistence will pay off.

Apple picking is now worse than net mending and refuse searching, after 4 tests, it comes out to about 4.04 denar a minute. Net mending is 4.61 denars a minute, and refuse searching is 4.61 denar a minute.


Your nerf bat a bit to hard, fix wounds with a bandage not a blow torch.

Please reconsider and up the percentage


(You killed Doots newbie dream)

Est 1999

Topic starter Posted : 07/29/2022 5:46 PM
RandomOne liked
GM Pranzor
Member Admin

Searching in the apple orchard takes 2 or 3 seconds to execute. That is between 1200-1800 searches per hour. You have a 1 in 4 chance to find an apple which means you will get on average around 300-400 apples per hour. Apples sell from 3-5d each. If you are averaging 4d an hour, you are very unlucky. You should make around 900-2000d per hour searching for apples. Searching for nasty apples was never meant to be a retirement plan for newbies. 

We had an individual who was scripting the apple orchard and had over 2,000 apples on their person. A rate of 3.5+ talents every hour was never intended for this area, so we brought it more in line with what we felt would be reasonable for a newbie to make per hour on average.

We are open to reviewing the area in the future if this area needs further balancing, but we will see how it goes.


Posted : 07/30/2022 3:30 PM
Estimable Member


1) Each apple, of the 184 turned in came out to 2 denar a piece. Without any deviation. 2 denars on the dot. If they were really 3-5d a piece, you would see some deviation and it would be above 2. But its not, on 29 JULY 2022 apples were 2d exactly when turned in. All 4 trials I ran.

2) I was averaging 2.02 apples per minute. That was a search, followed by picking the apple up, then searching again. By your logic, I should be getting a 3 second search, with a one second time to pick the apple up. So 4 seconds to complete the task. I should be able to complete 15 searches a minute. And at 25% chance to get an apple, I should then average 3.75 apples a minute. Sadly, my trials show an average of 2.02 apples per minute. 

3) It is 4 denar per minute, not per hour. It came out to 4.04 denar per minute to be exact, which will be 240 denar per hour. WELL under your 900-1200 denar projection. Even with the extra second added in to get the apples. Without it, it would be about 400 denar per hour. Well under the 900-1200d claimed.

I am willing to go back and run the trials again if you are telling me the numbers got adjusted. But as of yesterday, what you are stating and what was observed are vastly different accounts. And no, RNG would not account for the HUGE difference in what you are claiming and what we have seen. Some leeway I get and some variation. But not that much difference.

Check out the JagerBtFM Twitch Stream's Discord at: https://discord.gg/zKcSsrTp

Posted : 07/30/2022 4:42 PM
Estimable Member

Retested quick. Apple prices have changed and were a touch over 5 denar an apple.

Timing though is about the same as I was quoting. Brings it to about 11 denars a minute for profit. Which is about 660 denar an hour. That seems fine for a newbie job now. 

And stats seem to play into it. Tested on 2 toons with different speed/dex/agil/per stats. The better stats was searching in about 3-3.25 seconds. The slower toon was closer to 6-7 seconds to search

Check out the JagerBtFM Twitch Stream's Discord at: https://discord.gg/zKcSsrTp

Posted : 07/30/2022 5:18 PM
Trusted Member

Thank you for upping the price on the apples , as Jang's tested and so did I, 2 denars per apple on several different toons. this brings  it more in line and still a good area.


Compromise is wonderful.

Salmon are not.

Est 1999

Topic starter Posted : 07/30/2022 5:33 PM
GM Pranzor
Member Admin

Prices are going to vary per character just like with anything else. We also did not change prices, but much like leather and other things the prices can vary based on activity. The prices probably reset between your attempts. You can likely thank a non-newbie scripting over 2,000 apples for the low prices. If that behavior continues, we may address that specifically so that we can preserve the newbie experience.

Posted : 07/30/2022 6:13 PM
RandomOne liked
Estimable Member
Posted by: @pranzor

Prices are going to vary per character just like with anything else. We also did not change prices, but much like leather and other things the prices can vary based on activity. The prices probably reset between your attempts. You can likely thank a non-newbie scripting over 2,000 apples for the low prices. If that behavior continues, we may address that specifically so that we can preserve the newbie experience.

If someone's scripting... and you know it... punish the scripter.

I don't condone cheating, even if you guys say it's allowed now.

Posted : 07/30/2022 6:28 PM