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Shoot us straight: we dead?

Eminent Member

There's been a disappointing amount of silence about the status of the game for awhile now. For many, including those that have been playing for 20+ years, theres an overwhelming sense that we're in a death spiral. And no one cares.

Every TEC administration has had it's struggles with communication, but it seems like we're further into apathy then ever before. This forum is a great example-- half the time it doesn't even load. Posts from the owner are bi-monthly if that other than to chime in about those mean, griefing bandits. 

So are we dead? We spin up with plans than then don't happen. We get excited by the planned events that fizzle. It just feels different this time.

We shouldn't have to beg the one taking subscription fees for insight. Be real with us, we're obviously all adults here and already given way too much of our lives to TEC. Manage our expectations. Shoot us straight for once. Give us a meaningful update. Where are we?

Officially dead?

 Edit: I tried to post this and got an error...sad.



Topic starter Posted : 11/22/2021 8:54 PM
Active Member

I asked myself this a lot, TEC has always had a place in my heart and is always something I have come back to over 20+ years. It has been in my life longer than most of my friends, through multiple jobs and relationships and every other thing. I have not really played in over two months though and I don't feel the urge that I generally do to come back because I felt like the game is basically just treading water. The promotions page is over a year old and still on page one, the forums are basically a ghost town. I really had hoped the move from skotos would breathe new life in to the game but since the move the game has only felt alive for around one month. I hate seeing the game I loved over half my life to frankly feel like its just a means of passive income. I was always other than with a select few friends a pretty single player TEC type of guy so its not the lack of players that makes it feel dead to me, its the fact that the game seems like its just being left on life support unattended. 

Posted : 11/22/2021 11:10 PM
Active Member

I typed out a much longer reply, but got an error that apparently didn't send it. I don't feel like typing it all out again and it maybe not going through again so I will just say my main point, this game feels like its being left unattended on life support just as a means to collect passive income. It feels like less love is going in to it than at any point in the 20+ years I have played

Posted : 11/22/2021 11:14 PM
Trusted Member

I dont agree the game is dead per say, I think people expected more, got some promises that never happened, have a forums that sometimes wants to work sometimes doesn't, and some people who are game masters who are having there own stuff going on since the covid change of life. 

Personally i was hoping things i was told gonna happen myself that fell flat or never went anywhere would but at this point ill log in wed/sunday and just play with the Traevant with our goofiness. Real life happens if we dont expect anything anymore, then we wont be disappointed.



Est 1999

Posted : 11/23/2021 7:56 AM
Trusted Member

10th time trying to reply to this, since the forums work 30 percent of the time, the game isnt dead per say. Interaction from GM have declined since the covid beginning, several things that were said would be done never got done, and @requests/replies on certain things hit a dead end. 

Est 1999

Posted : 11/23/2021 10:18 AM
Estimable Member

Dang that's a lot of duplicate posts.

The forums might be dead and dying, because they picked a bad forum host, is discord going down as well?

Posted : 11/23/2021 12:14 PM
Active Member

Every other click on the website results in an error 500, same for the forums. Any offers to help fix these issues (or build a better website) are met with silence. Same for offers to help with game programming, or even sg-lite apps. As others have mentioned, this has simply devolved into a passive income source for someone content to watch the death spiral happen and not raise a finger to do a thing. I don't care to be a part of it, thus my card is pulled and will not be used on this game again. Best of luck folks, it's been a pleasure but the writing is on the wall. It's time to move on.

Posted : 11/23/2021 6:37 PM

I hope it's not dead.  I want to be able to come back at some point.  It's amazing we've survived this long, quite frankly, so why quit now?

Posted : 11/24/2021 1:38 AM
Active Member

You guys know the creator's of Lost based the show off of this game right?



Posted : 11/24/2021 4:11 PM

Hey folks. 

I've pushed up the forum concern to the GM staff who should be able to look into it. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

Posted : 11/29/2021 2:28 PM
Active Member
Posted by: @sgexplosion

Hey folks. 

I've pushed up the forum concern to the GM staff who should be able to look into it. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

As always, we appreciate you, but the issue isn't just the forum (and everyone having to post 3 times just to get through). The community as a whole is struggling to keep the faith and the deafening silence from the GM staff only makes that worse. We're not asking for much. We're asking for signs of life. Simple communication in a format accessible to everyone, not just a random pop into the WA that a few people are online for. An update on the state of the game and what we can expect moving forward, if anything, would be wonderful and appreciated by many.

Posted : 12/01/2021 9:23 PM
Philippe liked
Eminent Member

The silence is deafening.

Topic starter Posted : 12/19/2021 9:05 PM
Eminent Member

I've tried to post on here for the last two days but after a dozen times trying to login and post I gave up. I had truly hoped that this post would have gotten someone's attention.

Topic starter Posted : 12/20/2021 8:11 PM
Eminent Member


I had to refresh the forums probably a dozen times to login and post this. It is still a problem. The main page of the forums shows "no topic found" for most of the sections.

Also, bumping this since you're back.

Topic starter Posted : 01/16/2022 4:33 PM
Estimable Member

I am happy to see the uptick in requests being filled/answered, GMs and SGs popping on to do impromptu events, and just general OOC hello from staff when they come around. So thanks for providing the signs of life we were asking for!

Check out the JagerBtFM Twitch Stream's Discord at: https://discord.gg/zKcSsrTp

Posted : 01/19/2022 8:25 AM
Dragonus liked