How does one create an organization? What is the process and what are the requirements? Can organizations rent rooms? Is there a minimum activity or person (character) minimum or maximum?
Getting an organization recognized 4000 Premium* ------------------------------------------------------------ Characters can form organizations in the game world as they wish as long as the game policies are observed. When an organization is established and proven, it can apply for 'recognized' status. This status carries several advantages over being unrecognized. This RP cost can be split among the members according to the guidelines set forth in the help file on Founding a Group. *At least one member of the aspirant group must be a premium subscriber.
Founding a Group More information on founding an organization Founding a Group
Guidelines for becoming a recognized organization
An organization must have at least and preferably more than 10 active members, 2 of which must be premium account holders. All of the members must be from separate and distinct accounts, played by separate and distinct players, and active within the gameworld, i.e., one player may not have three characters from one account signed up with the guild, or three characters from three different accounts signed up, in an attempt to meet the member requirement.
Documentation, bylaws, charters, list of members, etc. must be submitted to the GMs.
An organization must prove that they are a viable entity for two months (real time), before submitting for observation. This means that they must be active for two months, not in the recruiting stage. In other words, an organization must be able to function without GM support. When the organization is established within the gameworld, when they proceed with requesting recognition.
* They must hold regular meetings and events for their members (1 per week). The announcements for these meetings and events should be submitted for inclusion in the event schedule no later than Monday, 6pm Eastern Time the week prior to the event (event weeks run Tuesday - Monday, so, a Monday event must be submitted the previous Monday). * They must follow game policy. Infractions of game policy will disqualify them. * They must exhibit a *clear goal* within the game world and the ability to fulfill that goal without GM assistance. A prospective group should submit an @request of what their goal is so a GM can approve or suggest a change of the goal, should the goal not meet with current in game guidelines. * Documentation (see B) and a request to be observed should be sent in at the beginning of the two months through @request. Observation will begin when *the organization receives confirmation that a GM is available for sponsorship and ready to begin observation*. This may mean, should a GM not be available, that even though they fulfill other requirements, a group may not be able to be observed for recognition.
When the requirements in C have been met, there will be a 5000 role point cost for officially making the organization recognized. This cost may be split among the organization members with each contributing member donating not less than 500 rps, and each premium member donating at least 750 rps. At this time, the organization will be officially assigned a GM contact and will have access to recognized organization perks.
*Note*: The preceding guidelines are subject to GM availability, please be sure to get confirmation on whether a GM is available to sponsor an organization.
@archmagi Thanks for laying that out! Last question, what are all of the perks of being a group/guild? Central banking seems to be one, are there any others?
Thanks again,
So Archmagi nailed most of it. But having been trying to get an organisation recognised officially for over 6 months now, I'll also say the following:
- Archmagi's link is based on information from almost 20 years ago. Playerbase size has significantly decreased since then, as has GM involvement and how GMs interact with the game. 10 active members would be a stretch for most orgs now.
- Siddhe has repeatedly mentioned how the org system is "not working". That is, that orgs rely on GMs too much and she would like to revamp orgs completely before allowing new ones to emerge. I.E. - Don't expect anything soon, because this has been said since the beginning of 2020. I've heard the same said multiple times, but never once the opposite of this.
- Based on the above, any org that would have any chance to succeed would need to be able to survive on its own with no GM involvement. Right now, my pretender org has been getting a lot of SG love, but we are also doing a lot on our own accord and if that SG were to leave us, we could still function. There are limitations though.
- The biggest perk of an org in my opinion is the joint bank account. Right now, our org is suffering from a player taking an extended break. This player held our bank because we have no access to a joint account because of no @org. Effectively, that has killed our hard work and made us start from scratch. Extremely annoying. Also, this player held rooms for us due to being the bank and us having no HQ. As such, we're now at the whim of that bank account running down completely and losing our makeshift HQ. Both issues could be simply solved with @org and the reintroduction of a HQ that has been previously coded. Again though - Siddhe has stated no interest in this until orgs are completely revamped.
- Perks of orgs are not huge right now. Org credits have been disabled until a revamp happens. Mainly, from what I can tell, because requests could be banked and loaded onto staff when a large amount of credits had been built up, taking up their time. Banking is the biggest perk. Access to certain areas/HQs is another. There's a few others and people can answer this, but yeah, it's held up right now from what I have been told.
Orgs in general right now are semi in the neglected part of the game world, most of the standards of keeping an org (ie events weekly) are ignored or by passed.
Org credits- no point
Perks of my personal org - we have a fort , we get no item from Krim needed for training. Banking
Not game breaking but neat
Est 1999
Thanks all for the additional information! I received some input from Analog last night regarding Orgs as well. Side note, I agree 10 members is a stretch and that banking seems awesome as an org.
I asked TEC about a Slime Squad Org...
Note appended by Analog on 1:09 am, Saturday, December 19, 2020: Glad you're enjoying your return to the game! We're not accepting applications for new official orgs at this time, as we are going to be revamping the @org process soon. That being said, you are certainly welcome to have an unofficial org - lots of people do, and manage it through an inn room/domus and bank account of an individual character. Any player is welcome to hold and post an event at any time - it's not limited to official orgs by any means. If you wanted your unofficial org to have a custom event in RV with the Undertown or the well, you can @request that too! They're available to players with paid accounts and start at 3000RPs. (If you have a group of people who want to split the RP costs, we can have that discussion too.)
(I asked for more info...) People hold events all the time without staff support, including some of the ones you mentioned. (theater and auction) The difference with a custom event is that there is staff support. You would work with us to create an event, which is basically a custom adventure. A broad example: You and your Slime Squad show up in the well, where something novel and unique happens, and your team needs to explore what's causing it and how to resolve it. (And, yes, some unique goodies/loot might result from it.) So, to summarize: Your informal org is welcome to post an event asking for people to gather at the well to fight slimes. This is a player-run event, 0RP cost, and something that anyone can do. If you want a customized adventure, that would incur the RP cost and be something truly unique where a staff member plans the event with you and facilitates it while it is happening.
Thanks again!